Friday, December 6, 2019
Management and Leadership and Power and Politics
Question: Discuss about the . Answer: Introduction: Leadership and culture are the most important factors that affect the organizational behavior from top to low managerial level. It is the duty of the leader in the 21st century to manage the conflicts to overcome the growing issues. Employees do look at the leader to understand the way to deal with conflict. The leader has an opportunity to model conflict prevention and management program in order to resolve the perspective issue that might arise at the workplace. A good example in the field of role of leader in an organization is given by Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz. The motive of sending the Memo to the employees is a proactive step in order to boost their morale. The memo was sent out to due to drastic dip in the stock market. Schultzs memo was planned to boost up employee morale during a traumatic time. The motive behind sending the message to Starbucks employees is to keep away from augmented stress and conflict on-the-job (Roose.2015). Schultz proved to put a positive impact by utilizing the opportunity to exercise positive influence on the mind of employees, stimulating them to progress their customer service in order to enhance the productivity. A leader affects the organizational culture in many ways by inspiring his employees. There is a direct relationship in between positive leadership and the culture of the organization. Starbucks motivates an optimistic work culture with employees involvement. Starbucks is one of the successful businesses in the world with its CEO Hoard Schultz. The company is driven by the leadership stature based on Howard Schultz. According to the leadership theory formulated in the year 1978 there are two types of Leaders: transactional and transformational. Howard Schultz follows a transformational form of leadership system where he encourages the members to develop as an individual and as a team and to work towards achieving objectives. He ensures that there is trust among the people towards the company (Michelli, 2006). The given case study relates to Schultz message to employees in order to manage conflicts occurring in global atmosphere due to dip in share prices. An effective leader has a responsibility to address the problems in advance. It is his duty to address employees in order to motivate them to enhance productivity. On his memo to employees regarding customer satisfaction he reflected the necessity to provide an everlasting experience to them through effective services. As per Schultz a single negative review by the customer affects the brand image. According to him the brands which focus upon building a strong brand image succeed on a long run. Starbucks focus on providing the best to overcome adversities caused due to role of politics at workplace (Starbucks CEO Howard Schultzs memo to employees.2008). Effect of Management Leadership on Organizational Culture Overall global changing scenario has created an urgency of the role of an Effective management team in order to shape leadership skills (Morais. Et al, 2014). Power and politics in todays business scenario plays an enormous role. In the given situation it is the role of the leader to promote interest of the employees in favor of the organization. In businesses the impact of power depends on employees whether they are using positive or negative influence at workplace. Politics openly manipulate those who have power and determination regarding the overall culture of the workplace supports output. Leadership with time has become unconscious and automotive deed. The culture at Starbucks is robust as built by the Schultz that motivates cohesive atmosphere. Leaders are held responsible for making several important decisions about an issue. Decision regarding a serious cultural change is taken under enormous pressure. The process of making decisions is made through the experiences and encou nter with the multiple circumstances (Roose.2015). In the given situation Howard Schultz has established a positive impact on the mind of the employees. The role of a transformational leader is to encourage towards positivity. His approach is proactive in nature and compiles all the necessary steps need to be taken in order to overcome complicated situations. According to his approach conflicts need to be addressed at a low level to avoid major conflict. To avoid such a situation Starbucks has created a multi-disciplinary atmosphere giving an equal preference to each task. Role of Leadership in managing disputes A transformational leader is the one who bring confidence and respect among the people. He is a charismatic leader and followers tend to accept the changes bought buy him. Schultz has a charismatic personality that motivates the other employees in shaping the future of the organization. Starbucks is known across the world as an example for efficient leadership practice. Employees are constantly motivated to provide effective result. A leader acts as a motivator and imbibes the culture in the employees and the organization through working as a team player. Howard Schultz is filled with positivity. He has inspired everyone across the company to work ethically for the well-being of the organization. Moreover he believes in hiring efficient employees who will help in achieving the targets. His way of working is different from the other leaders as he challenges the inner capability of every individual. He is inspirational communicators who believe in inspiring the managerial team. There a re more than 20,000 stores across the globe who are delivering consistent coffee (Our Company, 2016). He has a goal to deliver consistent customer care service and Starbucks products in all the stores. He takes a good care of the employees because they are the most important asset to the organization. He believes in listening to the employees carefully and promise to resolve the disputes by stabilizing the schedule. Employees motivation is essential to attain high productivity. His effect is easily visible on the employees way of conducting business. He plays an inspiring role in managing the disputes occurring in the organization while inspiring a cohesive organizational culture. According to Schultz Respect for culture is necessary and it is preferred to encourage diversity by the organization in order to achieve the result. Starbucks is open for the supplier who belongs to a diversified communities and consistently working for the economic development of the communities as a whole (Business Ethics and Compliance, 2016). Schultz role on Organizational culture The whole decision making process is due to interconnection in between the various variable patterns that are essential for the organization. The quality of a successful leader is that he is an efficient decision maker (Schein, 2010). A leader like Schultz is known around the world for his exuberant vision. His proactive nature in dealing with the issues has helped in developing a positive impact not only on the employees but also on the mind of the society. Their understanding to deal with the pressure associated with the decision making process is extremely spontaneous and strategic. The role of senior management in dealing with the issues is due to Schultz positive way of business. A Successful leader like him uses his knowledge to attain consistent result and know techniques to handle pressure. The leadership model focused by him is comprised of handling situation under accumulated pressure and finding out the best solution an efficient leader motivates the other employee to over come their fear and lead as an inspiration for the other people. It is the general tendency of people to follow a strong person who helps them in achieving unattainable targets (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee, 2013). Role of power/authority to lead and manage the organization Global business situation is changing and sudden fluctuation in the stock price has demotivated the overall morale of the employees and the customers. Politics in an organization is an inseparable part. Moreover it affects the internal management and culture of the organization. Schultz understands his role to meet the issues occurring in the organization to be addressed at priority. Schultz through his power has leaded the organization towards attainment of different goal which has helped in developing a friendly work environment. Customer satisfaction is the primary motive at Starbucks which is inculcated in each of the employee. Internal politics however hamper the growth that is managed by the management by redressing the issues. The atmosphere of negative politics is avoided by Schultz at workplace. Starbucks operates while promoting a positive culture at workplace. The role of management is to remove the issues at first hand by directing the issues. In the given situation Schul tz through his leadership skills has motivated by mentioning about the employees promise to customer service. Tactics used by him to seek attention of the employees and the senior management can do wonder while addressing serious issues caused due to change in global business environment. According to him those Organizations that promote climates of negativity and conflict are the real sufferer. Employees who are encouraged to connect in deceitful or unprincipled behavior might face decrease in productivity and a higher turnover rates. Effect of Office Politics on the Organizational Culture Resolving a conflict is a major part of Starbucks organizational culture to attain efficiency. Team of employees need to sort out difference of opinion with mutual respect and patience. The whole process involves emotions, insight, and proceedings that are experienced in three levels. There is a necessity to address the differences in the mind of the employees by removing the negative experience and shifting it to a positive one (Ahamefula, 2014). The conflicts at the workplace demotivate the morale of the employees. Hence managerial interference is important to resolve the disputes caused at various level. Starbucks rely on the wisdom of their leader Schultz which is based on addressing to internal issue through his transformational leadership skills. The disputes are addressed at a preliminary level. In a large sized organization like Starbucks with global presence it has become important to manage dissimilarity of opinion by removing politics from the grass root level. Politics in the organization causes commotion in the mind of employees. In such a situation it is advised to the leader to take over the situation by addressing to the employees and the partners. For addressing the issue Starbucks has developed an atmosphere which is builds on setting responsibility for each individual while delegating responsibility. Direct distribution of duty at Starbucks has a proper relevance with delegating the authority. Schultz actively participates in addressing the conflicts. For Starbucks it has become important to take significant measures through stringent organizational culture to address the issues occurring at different places. Starbucks has moreover framed policies accordingly to meet the contingencies occurring due to internal disputes due to problems. Effects on the organization culture and effectiveness Conflicts are obvious at a place where people work under a team. Each individual has a different set of opinion under the right set of situation. The differences among the employees can escalate the conflict. Conflict management helps in determining whether it will works in the team's advantage, or adds to its failure. One can choose to disregard it, protest against it, can hold responsible someone for it, or try to handle it with deals and mutual consent. Otherwise one can directly elucidate what is going on and can challenge to arrive at a verdict in the course of ordinary methods like cooperation or negotiation. It's understandable that disagreement has to be managed with a constructive plan or else it's too simple to get dragged into the quarrel and generate smooth superior confusion. Starbucks has more than 20,000 stores and they have a prime objective to provide equivalent services to each of its store located at different corner. They come across majority of conflict and issues due to diversity of employees. Politics at the workplace effect the growth of the organization. In most of the companys political interference has affected the overall growth. Conflict resolution is a difficult task in a large organization to coordinate the function. In such a situation it is suggested to handle the dispute under the leadership of an efficient leader. Howard Schultz has based his thinking on critically analyzing the issues according to the necessity of the organization. Conflict is an obvious phenomenon taking place in a large size organization. The primary focus is to find out a way to resolve the dispute in order to draw a conclusion (Brown and Trevio, 2006). In the present scenario the decision related to an organization are taken by the management to redress the inte rnal issues. Impact Of leadership on Organizational Culture Leader sat Starbucks are treated as an ordinary member and every individual at work is given equal representation. The organizational culture of Starbucks is managed efficiently under the guidance of Howard Schultz. The leaders are involved in planning, controlling and provides direction to the subordinates. They do not consider themselves separately while managing the organization. The staff at Starbucks work together in order to create sustainable profit. Starbucks has developed an atmosphere in order to help the employees in achieving individual and organizational objective (Frankson.2017). Organizational culture is very important to address the conflicts occurring in the organization. Starbucks faces issues due to diversity in employees. It is necessary to achieve the organizational goals due to cultural interference. Conflicts and disputes are part of an organization which cannot be separated due to difference in opinion. It is recommended that the organization should try to address the issues at an initial level so it helps them to undertake the regular duties efficiently. Moreover it is the duty of the manager to resolve the disputes occurring at the ground level in an efficient manner in order to achieve a desired result. Starbucks work globally and it is essential to manage the consistency throughout. Dispute should be resolved first handedly by the mangers in order to create a healthy environment. Howard Schultz has inculcated a model that focus on resolution of internal dispute in an efficient manner through mutual agreement. However at times when the situation is difficult to be handled then senior manager should interfere in order to resolve the dispute (Barak, 2013). The culture of the organization helps in managing dispute occurring at different level. Culture clarity is necessary in an organization in order to avoid problems occurring in internal working of the organization (Pendola.2014). Every employee at Starbucks has given a clear division of work. The duty of each employee is set already by the team manager in order to achieve high level of productivity. Starbucks motivates a culture of social energy in order to guide the organizational leader to behave as per the instructions of the leader. This is one of the significant way to avoid conflicts at workplace. Division of duty as per the caliber of the employees provide them to achieve effective result. The organization support working in a cohesive atmosphere in order to achieve desired results. Starbucks inspire and support mutual cooperation at workplace by training the employees. Howard Schultz has imbibe effective organizational culture in the employees. This has helped the organization to obey the behavioral norms as mentioned in the mission and vision statement. It is already operating more than 20,000 stores across globe. They are trained to provide efficient quality of services by ignoring the conflict inside the organization. Behavioral norms include following the organizational culture by motivating each employee. Starbumcks has motivated a cooperative environment inside the organization by significantly helping them to sustain in the changing environment. The success of the organization depend upon the culture needs and consistency. Starbucks culture promotes effective communication at different level. All the employees in Starbucks stores are called as partners so that they can communicate with each other effectively. The manager, store manager and assistant mana ger effectively make a management group twice a week in order to redress the issues. Around 80% of the working time of manager is carried out to communicate between partners that motivates effective productivity. The manager at Starbucks is responsible to improve employees communication skills. They provides trainings to the employee by providing them with thank card which is an effective tool to motivate the employees effectively. Schultz understand that, the success of the organization depend upon the employees satisfaction. It enhances overall productivity (Meyer.2015). Conclusion Conflicts and disputes are the essential part of an organization due to existence of people with different opinion. Leadership in that case helps in dealing with the problem that occurs in a regular course of business. Starbucks is worldwide renowned name due to its especially coffee. The organization faces conflicts and disputes on a regular basis. Disputes occur internally and externally and need to be resolved with an efficient technique. The organization is following a stringent problem resolution structure that is efficient enough to address multiple issues at a grassroots and top level. It is advised that an organization should plan strategies in an efficient manner that helps in resolving multiple issues occurring on a day today business. Its observed that the organization that has an efficient risk management system can attain the objectives in an easy manner whereas those organization which do not have a proper risk addressing procedure faces problem at multiple levels. Star bucks has however successfully implemented conflict resolution in their internal process. This has helped them to attain efficiency. Conflict management has become an important component in managing external dispute through negotiation. 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